
Okay, I’m finally happy with the way this site is coming along. I still have a LOT of work to do on all my other sites. It’s overwhelming, but to be honest, I’m really enjoying the whole project–a massive re-design from the bottom up is something that’s been needing to happen for quite a while. I’ve kept many of the basic concepts, tweaked a few others, and jettisoned a few that just didn’t do it for me any more.

I’ve always taken this kind of thing way too fast. The picture in my head is so grandiose and glorious (if a little vague), I want to see it DONE. So I get in a hurry, get frustrated and impatient, make snap decisions just to be doing something, and end up going in bad directions and running into walls. That’s the point at which I usually just have an existential crisis and give up for a week or so and then start all over again.

I’m really tired of that pattern.

So even though some of my platforms and final results will look pretty much the same as they always have, I guess the biggest tweak I’ve made this time is behind the scenes: letting myself take the time I need. Healthy pacing. Thinking things through  and sitting with all the options for a while before I blast forward. It’s okay to have placeholders, broken links, and sites-in-progress, as long as I am making progress, even if it’s just a little at a time.

Here’s a picture of my cat.

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