Just because I don’t post on here in forever doesn’t mean I’m just sitting around playing Minesweeper for hours on end.
Half-hours, maybe. Shut up. It helps me think.
I just got finished formatting all the portfolio photos for the new stuff I’ve been churning out over the past couple of months.
And in the spirit of making-things-ever-so-much-more-annoying-and-complicated-than-they-should-be, I just figured out that I need to buy a new image gallery plug-in. My old stand-by, which I’ve been happily using for YEARS, now refuses to delete images. And the developers seem to have dropped it in the dust, so it’s not getting fixed.
God dammit.
Anyway, I’ll have to re-format all the portfolio sections. The old ones still work, but I’m not creating any more galleries until I get the software sorted out. So. The new stuff isn’t officially ready yet, but here’s a sneak peek.
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